Q: We are currently using different Practice Management Software. Is it possible to convert these files to your system?
A: You would have to first export the data into CSV (comma-separated format), then you can use the ezDataExchange module to import the patient demographics. Check your Practice Management software's User Guide or contact their tech support to find out if the software is capable of doing this type of export. Note that ezChartWriter only imports patient demographics, not billing or EMR information.
Q: Can we scan our existing patients' paper records into the program and have it stored and linked up to their electronic records?
A: Yes, but you must scan to your computer first. Then you "attach" the file to the patient's chart. Just right- click the patient name in the Pulled Charts screen and select "Attach Document".
Q: We have scanned all our charts from the past years. They are PDFs. Would we be able to attach it to the ezChartWriter folder?
A: Yes, but you'd have to do it manually. Right-click patient in Pulled Charts and select "Attachment Manager", then Add File button.
Q: Would it be possible to transfer the data from my existing software to this one? I have iFile from MSFCI. http://www.msfci.com/IFILEUS.html
A: There is a data exchange (import) module available. BUT it requires your software to be able to OUTPUT the data (preferably in comma or tab-delaminated format).
Q: How much would it cost for you to transfer the data from my existing software? I can send you a thumb drive with my entire program on it.
A: I'm willing to take a look and see what I can do. No promises. Contact support@ezChartWriter.com for info on how to send us your database.
Q: My question is about adding files to an encounter such as pdf's of previous paper chart, jgeg's of HRT's and visual fields & photos
A: You can "attach" a scanned document (pdf), photos (jpg's) or any other format for that matter to the chart using the Attachment Manager. To open the Attachment Manager, look for the button on the bottom left on the Encounters list or right-click the patient name in the Pulled Charts section. From there, you simple "find" the file on your harddrive (or network) and it will be attached to that patients chart.
Q: Could you send me detailed instructions on how to import data? Just patient name, address, and birthday.
A: The demographics can be imported with the ezDataExchange module. You must first Export the data from your existing software to a compatible file type (.cvs,.txt,.xls).
Q: Is there any way to convert my existing patient database (at least some of it) over to your software? We are currently using MS-DOS OfficeMate but could convert it to the windows version.
A: There is a Data Exchange module that will allow for the simple import of patient data (but not Rx's or billing info). Many practices keep the old software running side-by-side, with all new patients switched to ezChartWriter.
Q: I own an Optical Company and do a large volume of eyeglasses for my Dr's. I am scanning the invoices to keep patients records, but would like to have a better way to do this, but do you think this would be an overkill for what I would need ?
A: Depending on what you hope to accomplish, the software might be able to get the job done. You can track customer demographic info, keep a log of their Rx's (although the software is designed for doctors to create Rx's, you can use the same function to track them) and you can use the billing module to create FeeSlips and HCFA/CMS-1500 claim forms. Realize, however, that there will be some limitations you'd have to work around since the software is oriented towards creating chart notes and encounters. And there is no inventory module as of yet.
Q: Is there a way to transport the officemate database to ezChartWriter?
A: We can probably import your patient demographics into ezCW, although not the billing histories and such. Sometimes Rx's if you've been entering them.
Q: Is there a way to scan my examination chart into the software to store?
A: You have to use separate scanning software to produce a PDF file, which you then use the Attachment Manager to "attach" to the patient chart. We recommend ScanToPDF software (http://www.scantopdf.eu/) to create the PDF's. In a future version we will include similar functionality right in the software.