Q: I am using an online backup service, should I still back up the data using the ezBackup utility included with the software?
A: We recommend that you ALSO use the internal backup utility (at least weekly, if you are using another software, otherwise daily). It keeps all the database files together in one compressed file that can be easily restored. Daily backups would be ideal, since at most you would lose only a single day's work, which you could likely recreate if needed. Note that you should make sure the backups are saved on a DIFFERENT computer and/or drive than the server (use the Main Menu->Program Settings button to set the backup path.
Q: How large of a backup is needed, do you need to backup with an external hard drive, or can you back up with a flash drive?
A: Typically the backup files are quite small, even if your database has grown large. For example, my own patient database is greater than 1 gigabyte, but it compresses down to under 50MB (in a .zip file). That file can easily be fit onto an older USB flash drive or burned to a CD Rom. You should have no problem with space, as long as you compress the data.
Q: How do you compress your backup file to a flash drive?
A: If you use ezChartWriter to do the backup, the files are automatically compressed. Sign in as a User and select Special Functions->Backup Database. Note that the default location for backups is: C:\ezHW_Backup\ Once the backup is completed, you can then copy the data to a CD-ROM using the Burn CDRom button or manually copy the file to your flash drive (by opening the C:\ezHW_Backup\ folder and dragging the "Backup000000.zip" file to your flash drive). Each backup is time/date stamped. I HIGHLY recommend that you back up at the end of each day. Did I say highly? I meant "absolutely, positively, always" =) I've only had one doctor so far lose data, but it was 10 days worth of charts! That was due to wireless network problems with accessing the database. I've been using the software since 2002 and haven't lost any patient charts yet (>25000 records). But I still recommend backing up frequently just to be safe.
Q: I am having problems backing up at one of my offices. It keeps saying that the file is being used, so it cannot backup - but neither of my computers are using files, and one is completely signed out. I have not had any problems at the other office. Any suggestions?
A: Typically this happens with a software process is left open (i.e. the application closes on screen and looks done, but leaves something running in the background). Most frequently this is seen when you experience a crash, but can happen at other times also. When you get this error, open the Windows Task Manager. Do this on the computer that gave the error. To open the Task Manager, simply hold down the Alt-Ctrl-Del keys together. On the Task Manager screen, click the 2nd tab labeled "Processes" and click the heading "Image Name" to sort alphabetically. Then look for any of the following: echart.exe, ezChartWriter.exe, ezClaimBiller.exe or ezApptScheduler.exe. If you see them, right click and choose "End Process Tree". Now you can restart ezChartWriter and select the backup and it should work. Note that you can accomplish the same thing by restarting the computer, which automatically clears all open process trees.
Q: I backed up my database to a disc. Can I restore the backup easily?
A: Yes, you just need to copy the database files (end in ".dez") back into the ezHW_Data folder.
Q: My computer crashed and when I restarted ezChartWriter it gives an error and won’t load. What should I do?
A: Your database may be corrupted. Roll back to a prior version or contact Tech Support (support@ezChartWriter.com) for instructions on having your database repaired.
Q: I carry my laptop back home daily and would like to back up and restore to the laptop. Is it ok to copy C:\ezHW_Data folder to the laptop. This seems to work.
A: Yes, you can copy the entire ezHW_Data folder and that will contain all the patient records. You can also use the internal backup utility (Main Menu->Special Functions->ezBackup), which will compressed the files (which becomes important later on as the grow very large)
Q: Is there a way to run the backup utility automatically every night?
A: Unfortunately, the process is not automatic at this point. We generally assign one staff member to do a backup at end of day (or first thing next morning). Typically the backup process will be 10 minutes or less, especially starting out with fewer patients. You can purchase commercial software that will backup all your data files every night (we still recommend running our backup utility in addition, since it simplifies restoring if you need to get up and running in a hurry).
Q: Where is the information on how to restore a data base file from a back-up. Is this available in you manual? Please advise.
A: It's not in the current manual. But it's easy to do. The backup utility creates a zip file with a date string. To restore, find the most current zip file, then unzip it. Copy the files into the database folder (usually "C:\ezHW_Data" on your primary computer, unless you changed the default location).
Q: Is the data from the network able to be stored in the local group computer as well e.g. laptop that is used both at the office and at home?
A: As long as you connect each computer to the database folder (e.g. "C:\ezHW_data"), that folder can reside anywhere. You could, for instance, keep your patient database on an external hard-drive (with a folder address of say "E:\ezHW_Data") that you remove nightly and take home (keeping a backup hopefully in the office!). Or you can use your laptop. Or use a desktop in your office, but copy it to your laptop at night (but be sure to copy it back in the morning, if you've made changes!).